Sunday, August 8, 2010

Saturday night with the kids.

Fresh whole trout from Jimbo at Big Pine Trout last night. Roasted with garlic and peppers and onions in olive oil. Along with some fingerling potatoes from Ojai Farm. And fresh corn on the cob that we picked yesterday evening. Nora ate freshly milled whole wheat baguette. The kids had to shuck the corn, but we didn't even have to gut the fish! And all the food so very fresh. Real food really is better, folks.

Instead of writing about the continued trials of the mill, and Tim and Amber Wilborne spending their entire Saturday taking the machine apart, pulling out a pound of putrid old flour that had accumulated in and around the stone, and putting the thing together, as a blessing to me, and instead of writing about chocolate brioche, and instead of writing about the two loads of seasoned and split white oak that Katie's husband's coworkers gave me and Katie's husband brought over, I decided to read two chapters of Charlotte's Web to the girls on the deck after supper.

Reading great books aloud to the children is one of my very favorite things.


Anonymous said...

What beautiful memories you are making for your children.

Beth said...

I found your blog through some of the common interests we share. So many of the same movies (I love Babbet's Feast, even though I don't have it listed), music and books. Kind of interesting.

CountryDew said...

I hope your mill troubles are over soon. That must be terribly frustrating for you.

Anonymous said...

xoxo,c said...

Thanks for the encouragement, anonymous~ I hope they will remember.

Beth, I will have to check out your blog. I do love Babettes Feast. Isn't it fun finding others who share similar tastes?

Yes, Anita, it has been terribly frustrating, but I think it must be a part of doing business to learn how to work equipment and deal with mechanical troubles. I am so thankful to have friends who help with the troubleshooting.

hugs, back to you, c.