Saturday, March 13, 2010

The Farmer's Almanac Forecasted Rain and Flooding for March '10

Rain has been falling, off and on yesterday and most of the night. The pond is flooded. The stream is flooded. The peepers are quiet for the moment, but the birds assured me that spring is truly on its way.

Last night Nora and I snuggled in bed. She looked at the pictures in Thomas's Tin Tin book. I put down Lord of the Rings and picked up one of Thomas's Clive Cussler books. Put it down and chatted with Nora.

I told her that at points during the day I missed Dad so much it hurt, but at other times I thought of him and laughed, remembering something silly. I asked her how it felt for her. She said she felt the same. She missed having two laps to cuddle in and now she and Rose had to share mine only.

I asked Nora what she thought Dad was doing in heaven right now.

She suggested that he was probably watching a movie. Cause that was what he like to do on Friday nights with the kids. Or, she wondered if he were eating supper? Or maybe washing up dishes before watching the movie?

I said that I had never been to heaven, so I don't know, but if he was watching a movie, I bet it was a very, very good one.

Nora returned to her book and I closed my eyes and prayed for God to give Philip a message. To let him know how much we love him and miss him, and how thankful we are for him. Then I thought I heard Philip's voice in my head (spirit? memory? who cares?) and he told me how beautiful I am to him. Just like he always did. He reminded me that we had everything we need for life and godliness, including being a single parent and a businesswoman to run this farm. I felt peace and comfort.

Went back to adventures with Russians and sunken subs and bad guys and good guys then quickly fell into sleep.

Today is another day. I hope Daddy is feeling better after a bout with the flu. I hope the rest of us don't catch it!

PS I don't miss the snow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ginger, as I began reading your blog, I realized that I dreamt of you guys last night. I came to the farm to help out, but there was nothing left to be done... Angels, friends had been busily meeting all of your needs. Just as I was about to leave, I was thrilled to find a huge sink of really dirty dishes outside that I could wash.... Anyhow, I wish I could be there to help and give you all love. Sending many prayers. Krystin and Ken