Sunday, May 29, 2011

Day of Rest

Tomorrow I will have to tell you about yesterday.

But now, I will tell you about today. After so much work the last few days, we needed an adventure. After church, the truck headed south towards Floyd. Rhododendrons decorated the side of the winding mountain roads. We landed at a Mexican restaurant and enjoyed a feast. Afterwards we strolled down the street, looking for a cup of coffee. My cell phone rang. It was Lynne!

We opted to head back for the truck and enjoy coffee at Chez Florin.

What a treat. Tired, lazy people lounged around in the screened in porch on their part of Bent Mountain, listening to Spott the hound bay after some kind of critters down by the stream. We visited our former chickens, now living in what they probably think is paradise: the world's most beautiful chicken coop, designed by Larry.

There is not much I like better than hanging with my friends on a Sunday afternoon, shoes off, sprawled with kids hanging on one side of me or the other.

At some point, the afternoon disappeared and turned into early evening and they invited us in to dine at Tai Pei. Kids and I followed Florins over the mountain and back into town. We rolled down the windows and cranked up the radio. The children didn't even cringe when I sang aloud to 80's music. Heady perfume of honeysuckle thickly scented our drive.

After supper we drove home, up and over our mountain, with the windows still down. The moist green air was so filled with honeysuckle I could almost drink it. So sweet. When we turned onto our road, we met with freshly mown hay fields. The cut grass was like men's cologne. Fireflies floated in the thick, fragrant evening air and I thought about how lucky we are to get to experience all these sensations.

Now I hear hundreds of frogs, singing in the night. Cool still air is like a shawl, with only a slight breeze stirring. How can such a quiet evening be so musical? There are two bullfrogs, one on the east side of the pond, the other a bit up the creek. The females are not far off. I can hear their twang, like a rubber band strung across a cardboard shoe box. Peepers echo all around me. There are some kind of twirring frogs, and a chirruping one. Several other notes I cannot identify. Fireflies light up the ridge in a magical display, like something out of a fairy story. The smell of honeysuckle occasionally drifts over to me, like a gift. Black velvet sky is not as dark as the ridge, with a scattering of stars. No thunder tonight. No lightening at the moment. Just thick and heady late May evening, redolent with life. Kids in bed reading, thankful to have a day off tomorrow. Blackie and Brownie are at my feet, wondering what I am doing, sitting out here on the deck with the computer.

So tomorrow I will have to tell you about yesterday. But as for now, I think I will enjoy today. I hope you get a chance to enjoy your today, today. Good night!


Anonymous said...

your Mom is so glad that you are doing what I told you to do so many years ago, this writing is beautiful. I knew you were supposed to be a writer. I can feel your day in your words, like seeing it in a painting. Writing is as much an art as putting paint on a canvas. Very exciting.

Chris said...

I'm also moved by reading your words, you are a talented writer.

cynthia said...


Lynne said...

What a fun surprise for a spontaneous day that previously had no plans!

Wow, LONG nap then together time.

When can we do it again?