Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Weeding is Good Therapy, oh wait, I think I already said that...

Today I weeded more vegetable garden.

I weeded out some flower beds that had completely been ignored the entire season. Just looking at them look so ugly made me feel out of control with my life. Pulling out mounds and mounds of dock and plantain and all sorts of other weeds and grasses made me feel a bit more in control with my life.

It is a far cry from beautiful, but the baby steps are making me feel better, even when I feel terrible.

I was surprised to see jalapeno peppers almost ripe. Green tomatoes cover the plants and there are actually a couple of baby eggplants! The eggplants were almost decimated by flea beetles. The other day I broke down and bought some certified organic bug dust, called bonide and Patrick dusted the eggplants. This is usually the time of year that our eggplants bite the dust, but they seem to be surviving.


Maybe we will get to eat our own eggplant this summer.

And maybe I will find the flower that the cow and the goats won't eat when they escape into our yard. So far, salvia seems to be a safe pick. Maybe we will grow lots and lots and lots of salvia. At least it is pretty and drought hardy, in case it stops raining.

Speaking of beautiful things, like eggplant and flowers, I should mention the the big rose bushes by the front driveway are absolutely spectacular this year. Rose and Nora brought in armloads of the blossoms to decorate our dining room. If we have flowers on the table I feel like things are going very well.

Those beautiful red roses speak hope to my hurting heart and I am glad for them.


Chris said...

My flower beds usually only get weeded after the veggies are planted. I'm so grateful that many survive despite the neglect. I grow the veggies to feed my body, and they are wonderful; but the flowers feel my soul.

CountryDew said...

I sometimes have a hard time weeding because I want to see what it is that is growing there. Sometimes I even transplant weeds.