Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The 5th Day of Christmas

The moon is almost full tonight. The snow glows.

The wind blew in last night. Blew so hard it knocked off a very large branch from the Bradford pear on the driveway. Julie and the boys cut it up into firewood. So thankful for all the teamwork. The other children played in the snow. Still plenty for sledding on the north hill.

We said goodbye to Julie and kids and hello to King Max and his mother and sister.

After sharing of stories the fireplace and woodstove are fully stoked and we are full of split pea soup and toast. Time to tuck in.

The temperatures are falling and already down in the low 20s. Somebody better get up and feed the fire now that Julie is not on duty, otherwise we are going to wake up very, very cold. Thomas and Patrick split a nice bunch of firewood so we should be good. I love a nice cozy house. Not much is worse than a freezing cold one.

The holidays continue. How blessed we are to enjoy the company of so many dear friends, both in Texas, Tennessee and Arkansas and here at home.

Coco and Priscilla are tucked in the barn tonight, in a special stall, just in case. One of these days they are going to surprise us with babies. We don't want them to be out in the cold at that time. I certainly am thankful for a barn full of hay at this point. Thanks to our friends who helped us this summer. All that sweat equity is making a lot of herbivores very happy.

1 comment:

Jef said...

Split pea soup .... Yum!!! Looks like the low temperatures are going to be with you folks for awhile.