Saturday, October 24, 2009

Rachel Banks was Back!

Our dear friend Rachel came for a visit this afternoon.

If you have been a long-term blog follower or family friend, you might remember Rachel. She lived with us for a time last year and worked as an intern on the farm. I have never known a lot of 19 year olds who would volunteer to shovel manure, wash dishes, milk goats and other hard labor for any length of time. Rachel not only volunteered, but consistently went the extra mile as she served our family. Guess I have to say that that has also been the case of every other young person who has come to help work on this farm. She not only worked hard, every day, she also loved our children and blessed them richly. As a result, they loved her right back.

We still love her, even if it is from afar, as she is now going to college in another state.

When Nora heard the news that Rachel was coming for a quick Saturday afternoon visit her eyes opened wide with delight.

"Rachel Banks is coming?!"

The girls immediately went to work on birthday card projects, remembering their sweet friend.

Along with Rachel we enjoyed getting to meet her dad. We walked around the farm, showed them the new forts built by the kids over the summer, showed off the barn full of hay, introduced the new lambs and the four little pigs. Explained that if George the turkey tries to chase you, don't run, just get a stick!

When we left for the farmer's market this morning the dark clouds dumped rain. As soon as we got to town it seemed like a curtain was lifted and the blue skies and sun came out. Fall turned into Indian Summer. Sweat dripped. It was over 80 degrees! What a change after the 26 degrees the other day.

Perfect for a walk on the farm with our dear friend, Rachel Banks and her dad. Glorious fall is now more orange and brown than red and green. We are nearing the end of October. Halloween costumes are definitely the most urgent concern of all children 12 and younger.

After saying goodbye to our precious friend, we prepared to go to a hoedown at the home of some neighbor friends. The bonfire raged, the wind picked up, the kettle of hobo stew bubbled in the cauldron. Children played fun games, homemade doughnuts were consumed, new friends made.

Tired, we headed back home to quiet.

The moon is a crescent, tipping down. Growing. The wind is growing as well. I am growing sleepy and am so thankful to have a nice warm bed to fall into.

Most of all, with all the other fun people we were around today, I am especially thankful for the special bond we have with someone who slept in our house, ate our food, worked, played and prayed with us. What a dear friend is our Rachel Banks.

1 comment:

CountryDew said...

Sounds like a pleasant way to spend a day; the rain yesterday morning started out in torrents but I was so pleased when I saw the sun.

Thanks for your comments on my blog, re: salt. It is a long road.