Monday, April 5, 2010


So we made it through Easter.

This morning we rose early and Patrick and Thomas joined Larry and other friends who made a trench that connected the well water to the house. Something Philip had been wanting to do for years.

The spring box that supplies our house with water has given us sweet water for a long time, but during the summer months it occasionally goes dry. Our friends generously put in the lines and even set in some yard hydrants near the future new milking parlor and the garden side of the yard. We have a good, steady and hopefully secure source of water, with the spring box as a back up.

It was an all-day, long hard job, and it was hard for me to see other people giving of their day to work so hard for us. I am so thankful that they are willing to invest in our lives. I feel sorry that our little efforts to say thank you are so inadequate.

Well, spring continues to spring.

The second cherry tree is blooming and the pear and plum are beginning to bloom also.

The hot days are making me worried. What if a hard freeze hits? Will the fruit be ruined?

Only time will tell. No need to worry about tomorrow. Today has enough worries of its own.


Chris said...

By allowing others to help, you are enabling them to give, to do something that will benefit you and the giver. Your thanks is appreciated I'm sure.

Spring is so beautiful here. A fruit grower told me years ago that for dependable fruit, plant small fruits; I have strawberries, blackberries, juneberries, raspberries, wineberries, blueberries, currents and autumn olives. The small fruits almost always make a crop while the tree fruits rarely do. We often have late freezes but they don't seem to affect the small fruit as much.

I think of you and your children often and hope for continued help from your community. I'm awed by your ability to write with such clarity at this time. Christ is risen and with us in spirit. said...

Thanks for your kindness, Chris. I like your advice about the small fruit. The year we had a late freeze and lost our big fruit, a neighbor let us pick wineberries and we were able to freeze almost 30 gallons!!!!

I don't know if I write with clarity. I just sit down and type and it helps me rest. I hope it will help someone else feel less alone someday.