Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Grief Therapy

The pear tree is blooming. So is the plum. The trees seemed to leaf out miraculously over the course of a few hours. I wish I had been sitting in a chair by the stream to watch them unfurl.

Since I had no gasoline for the little Mantis tiller, I pulled out a pitchfork and loosened up the soil in several of the little garden beds. Planted some herbs and a few flowers. Patrick planted three big rows of onions, I hope it isn't too late. The girls and Thomas finished painting the board fence by the gate black. We had some visitors drop in. We washed as many loads of laundry as we could cram in to hang to dry on the deck. Our clothesline took a beating during the heavy snow. I think I better figure out a way to fix it. The breeze kept blowing things hither and yon.

Nora asked if the dryer was broken and Maggie and I explained that it is wise to use the energy we get from the sun to dry our clothes and save the dryer for rainy snowy days.

We finally ate our supper of Jimbo's trout, canned green beans and store bought potatoes after 8pm. It was delicious.

I am glad to have another grace-filled, productive good day.

Sunshine and green are good medicine. As is dirt. I was very happy to see lots and lots of earthworms and only a couple of grubs. The soil was the color of my favorite dark chocolate. What a difference tons of hay and barn manure can make over the course of 5 years. The soil next to the garden beds is orange and tan. The garden used to be filled with lots of grubs and no earthworms at all.

Am a bit nervous about having two good days in a row, but thankful.

1 comment:

Chris said...

I don't think it's too late to plant the garden. I do envy your abundance of manure, truly. :)

There's no road map for grief. Each has to find their own way. It will no doubt come and go for years; good to be grateful for the good days.

I love the smell of daffodils and good dirt.