Sunday, February 21, 2010

Fairy Godmothers

We have a dear friend who is our fairy godmother. She and her kids invited Thomas, Patrick, Maggie and Rose to accompany them on a family vacation to Washington DC last week. For a full week! All expenses paid!

I wondered how I would manage with most of my farm help gone for so long.

Well, I managed, thanks to Philip, we did just fine, and Nora and I had some very precious days to spend together. But, wow. I certainly realized how much those kids contribute to our daily life. I thought I would have days to write, to catch up on movies and books.

Not so!

Nonetheless, it was such a joy for me to know that the kids were having the opportunity of a lifetime! They visited at least two museums a day, wrote in journals, played games and shared memories. Took hundreds of pictures. I drove up with Nora on Wednesday to accompany the gang on a visit to the National Geographic Museum to look at the Terracotta Warrior Exhibit. Then we were treated by Julie to a sushi feast to celebrate Thomas's 17th birthday. Last year during our world history studies we read about the Emperor Qin Shi Huangdi, who unified China, began the Great Wall, and did many other amazing feats. Never did we dream last year that we would be able to actually see some of the warriors that were a part of an enormous funerary collection.

The kids have worked hard this winter, taking care of farm animals, hauling firewood in sleds, shoveling, keeping the fires burning. They have been cold. I am thankful that they were able to be spoiled a little bit by our friends, to enjoy central heating for a few days, and to enjoy many meals made with food that they didn't have to butcher and process, weed and can.

As they readjust to life back at home on the farm, we are enjoying hearing about butterflies and aquariums, flight simulators and art. Chinatown and sledders on the mall. Lincoln's memorial. Restaurant meals. Dim sum.

Thank you, dear Julie. But now I am glad to have everyone back home. Not just for their helping hands, but because I missed their faces.

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