Sunday, November 2, 2008

The Moon

For the last couple of evenings I have noticed the moon in the late afternoon. I suppose I will look in the paper tomorrow morning to find out what time the moon is rising and setting. It is growing. Still a crescent, tipping down. The skies have been very clear at night and still. It would be great for star watching if I could manage to stay up that late. I am amazed at how people ever figured out that the earth spins and the moon revolves and the planets are set in order. If I think about it for a very long time my head hurts.

I have been trying to pay attention to the moon phase. I wonder about the many naturalists who observed things for days and days and nights and nights. The ones who noticed that on months when the moon was tipping and had a ring about it there was rain to follow in so many days. And when the moon was shaped like a bowl and lying horizontally, the rain never fell.

I can't understand it. But I still like to look and wonder.

It is very important to observe things that are beyond our capacity to understand. The ocean. The stars. The moon and sun. A river. A beautiful painting. The fingers of a little baby.

Makes me feel small. There is more to life than me.

Thank goodness!

"When I consider the heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him?" Psalm 8:3&4


CountryDew said...

When you look at the earth and the moon, you do have to wonder why we think we're so important. Nice post.

Tom Atkins said...

Wasn't the moon incredible. That first tiny crescent was so perfect. And the other night... so clear.

I remember seeing that same verse at the Grand Canyon. I was amazed that they were allowed to quote bible verses at a government owned facility, but the verse was perfect, and it fits your post perfectly as well.

Michelle M. said...

Dearest lifelong friend,
I am so glad that you are willing to share the bountiful joy of living that has been given to you and yours. I wish you the best of everything.
Michelle M. in Okla

Michelle M. said...

Dearest lifelong friend,
I am so glad that you are willing to share the bountiful joy of living that has been given to you and yours. I wish you the best of everything.