Friday, April 17, 2009

Weather Report

I just have to report that several children were sighted in bathing suits playing in the creek back of our house yesterday.

They also were sighted dripping mud, freezing cold, running to a hot bath. But they seemed to think that 62 degrees temperature outside means SWIM. Crazy!

These same children scoured the woods for mushroooms for their mother. One teeny patch of teeny morels was found. A few oyster mushrooms. I think with another day or two of warm weather we should see more. I hope so!

I was supposed to be up at 5 this morning with Thomas, beginning the farmer's market season by baking. We had a bit too much fun with three of my girlfriends, 11 kids, supper that lasted a very long time, divvying up our bulk food order. Couldn't get up before 6:30. Well, It is hard to get back into the routine but I have had my cup of coffee, the brain is waking up, will wake up Thomas and get the mill to grinding. We will see how many pounds of wheat and spelt we can alchemize into breads before nightfall.


Belynda said...

We've had several swimsuit days, but the temps. have been in the 80s. The children do, however, insist on wearing shorts year round. Socks, crocs, shorts, and winter coat. Pretty funny sight.

hollywould said...

mmmm, morels! you are lucky. make some ravioli stuffed with morels in a sage butter lemon sauce or something...mmm i hope you enjoy them. said...

Holly, come here and make them for me! That sounds sooo good.

Beth said...

We've had some lovely warm weather here, too, for the last few days. I would have welcomed a creek to splash in after mowing our big, overgrown yard yesterday! Of course, today is cool and rainy---typical April weather in the NC mountains!